Post 8: A subject you enjoyed studying

Well that is a difficult question because I don't have any favorite subject at this moment :C  But at the beggining of this semester I was exited about inorganic chemistry. 

In Inorganic we study all the periodic table that means we study each element of every group. compounds, propeties, and more. 

I enjoy some classes when the teacher show us propeties of groups that we didn't study when we were at school. like the innert gasses they can make some molecules with some halogeno and create interesting propeties. also there is a lot of dangerous compounds by some element of the 17 group. 

I thought it will be more fun hahaha, the classes are more like read the power point and I can do that in less time... :C 

Now i hope to learn about solid state and cristallography this year, that knowlege is the principal reason because i stay in Chemistry until now... i want to become a material chemist or cristallography chemist and learn more about propeties of the mater. 


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