Post 7: An expert / person in your field that you admire

MARIO MOLINA Chemistry nobel (1995) When I was in “Cuarto Medio” my chemistry teacher took us to meet Mario Molina the Chemistry nobel of 1995. My teacher was brother of a chemistry ingenieer so the brother with his investigation team of sweden were friend of Molina so as my teacher. Well the goberment of chile specifictly the transport minister they welcome the nobel, the investigation team and small groups of students of public schools. I had the oportunity to meet all that people, the nobel was an old man from mexico he was humble, not like my teacher's brother who was a table vase. Mario responds all our questions as school students in a very calm, humble way without belittling us. He was a cool man. Was. Because he died last year in october. I was very sad when i read the newspaper that day. But why mario Molina was and “IS” important until now? Well he discovered that polluting gases have a destructive effect on the atmosfer, without decomposing. He was pa...